Commercial Blog

Credit Card Surcharges: Are They Fair?

Gloriavale v BNZ: Why BNZ can't close accounts over child labour...yet

Facial recognition technology sparks privacy concerns

AI and Misleading Advertising — What are the consequences?

Incorporated Societies – What’s changing?

Mainzeal's directors lose Supreme Court appeal

Can an emoji be legally binding?

Commercial Leases in New Zealand

Court demonstrates flexibility in relation to voluntary administration regime

Proposed Amendment to Directors' Duties

A business' guide to the Consumer Guarantees Act

Directors and Creditors: know your rights and obligations in a post-Covid world

Mercury Charged With Misleading Customers – A Business Lesson

Changes To Small Trade Contract Provisions Come Into Play August 16th

Incorporated Societies Act: How Will It Affect Your Incorporated Society?

Setting Up A Business - A Guide

Commercial Leases: Covid-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Act 2021 in Force

Law Changes for Businesses – Unfair Contracts

New Changes To Commercial Leases Under The COVID-19 Response (Management Measures) Legislation Bill

Misleading price ‘discounts’: When advertising techniques become an offence

Couple used children as company directors and shareholders to evade tax

Staying on the right side of Consumer Law

Commercial Leases to receive Arbitration Subsidy

Privacy Protection Laws fit for a Data Rich Society

Overseas investment rules change due to COVID-19

Property Law Act Amendment for Commercial Leases

Not-for-Profit Professional Services Grant

Business Debt Hibernation

Insolvency Law Relief Package – A safe harbour in troubled waters?

SME Professional Services Grant

What have you agreed to in all those Ts & Cs you never read?

GQ builds strong ties to energy sector