GQ appoints new CEO

We are delighted to announce the appointment of André Nobbs as CEO of Govett Quilliam.

André comes to GQ with a wealth of experience and a unique background that supports and drives our forward mission as a firm and partnership. His extensive and diverse career spans multiple countries and industries, working most recently in public service and governance roles. This week he kicked off the newest role on the résumé: CEO of Govett Quilliam.

He’s wasted no time in working his way around our large team, across all three offices. “It’s been great gaining greater insight into the people and aspirations that power GQ.”

While born in Auckland, André’s early education was split between New Zealand and Norfolk Island, before moving to Australia for college and enlistment into the RAAF to study radio electronic engineering.

André Nobbs | CEO Govett Quilliam

After ten years of military service, André transitioned into the private sector, moving to Queensland. He took on the challenge of managing a mining sector engineering company, successfully steering it to profitability, driven by quality assurance and rebranding.

More recently, André's career path pivoted into significant operational accountability for multiple statutory boards, followed by six years in public office as the Leader of Government and Industry Minister for Norfolk Island. In these roles, he worked directly with the New Zealand, Australian, and UK governments aligning legislation. His governmental responsibilities transitioned into executive roles with UNESCO and the OEDC, where he spent nearly a decade collaborating with Pacific Islands representatives and United Nations members.

André’s certainly one to prioritise balancing out work with a rich personal life though, with many the story to tell from these periods of his life. “It’s never all work and no play. I’ve written music, done martial arts and motocross, coached youth athletics, and performed in touring bands over the years.” This is when we should mention he toured with Jimmy Barnes in the late '90s. He still dabbles in the occasional guitar, bass, or harmonica session.

But it’s “empowering people and their success” that drives his other passion, working as a mentor for others. “No matter where I have worked, my personal recharge has been enabled by others who let me be part of their development and empowerment.”

When it comes to community, Taranaki has been home to André and his family for the past 8 years. The move here with their children came as a natural progression with his wife having grown up on a farm here herself. While he’s worked remotely throughout this time back in the region, he’s always kept a watchful eye out for roles closer to home that are people-focused and support a commitment to excellence. “When the GQ CEO role was advertised, my family and I all got excited. Being here now I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to join in the great work GQ commits to the region and beyond. I look forward to bringing my experience in developing and empowering the people, business, strategic engagement, client experience, and operational delivery to Govett Quilliam.”

The partners of GQ are confident that André’s leadership will bring tremendous value to GQ.

“André is a strategic, innovative thinker who has a passion for helping people succeed. He has worked in leadership roles in the private and public sectors and we are confident his extensive experience and business acumen will see our firm reaching new heights.  We are excited to work with André to enhance our business offerings and our commitment to our clients, our team, and wider community.” - Lauren Wallace, GQ Partner


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